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Finding the right Mentor

While to some it may feel as though completing a degree is the finish line of their education, it really should be viewed as the starting line to life-long learning opportunities. It is therefore important to ensure that we choose what jobs and what mentors we surround ourselves with in order to make the most out of these opportunities and set ourselves up for a fulfilling and exciting career.

Given the rate of change in the world today, the skills we acquire during university are going to have an increasingly shorter rate of return. The knowledge gained outside the classroom and the things we learn on the job will be more and more valuable. If we think back to the rise of educational institutions, the vast population were trained on the job through formal or informal apprenticeships.

This is why when recent graduates are starting to hunt for their first jobs it is important to look at businesses and firms that offer sound graduate training programs and/or some sort of mentorship. When weighing up the pro’s and con’s of each business from the size of the business, to location, to salary, training plans should be valued highly. For the right business it can be important to sacrifice things like salary in the short-term to gain knowledge for the long term.

A good business will take the time to teach and mentor their graduates into budding young professionals. They will invest time into the future of their young employees.

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